Empire total war save editor
Empire total war save editor

inserted menuitem "save savegame as" in menu "File" renamed saved filename appendix to "_SP" for "save savegame" in Edit panel multiple faction array index entires separated by semicolons are allowed. all table columns are sortable (MyLibary.dll) new Names.txt file with new entries for "Hannibal at the Gates" added field garrisonArmyId to table region (Rome2 only) Character editor dialog introduced, so far only existing name entries can be edited. Please read section "Description for Character Editor Dialog". character editor dialog amplified (general data, background skill). A lot of thanks to Daniu for creating EditSF. Tested at WinXP and Win7 for all games (and many hours of game play at Rome2). If you select a wrong subkey the game won't crash, but the background skill be removed in the game. The initially selected subkey may not be proper subkey.

empire total war save editor

If you change the background skill (Skill 0), you must select a subkey which fits best to the faction of the editing character. At opening the dialog the displayed subkey is not necessarily the proper subkey, but it represents the proper interal value. If Skill 0 is not a background skill, the combobox is disabled. garrisonArmyId : id of army that is used as this region's garrison (Rome2 only) strength : actual amount of men (editable) rank : rank of unit (editable, max = 9)

empire total war save editor

Allowed values: "neutral", "war", "defensive_allies", "military_allies" if edited, the entry of the partner faction will be changed also. arrayIndex : array number -> diplomacy is located in "DIPLOMACY_RELATIONSHIPS_ARRAY - "

empire total war save editor

armies : amount of armies (armies and navies) (Rome2 only) arrayIndex : array number -> faction is located in "FACTION_ARRAY - " traitPoints : traitsPoints that still can be placed (editable for Rome2) rank : 0-based, means: 0 = rank 1, 1 = rank 2. arrayIndex : array number -> army is located in "ARMY_ARRAY - " Rome2 only: By double clicking a data row a character editor dialog opens. birthDate : not the game year, the pure value (editable)įilter (Rome2): all, generals, agents, spies, champions, dignitaries authority : authority value (editable for Rome2) subterfuge : subterfuge value (editable for Rome2) traitPoints : traitsPoints that still can be placed (editable for Rome2 and Shogun2) type : character type (for Rome2 only non-colonel-type characters will be displayed) arrayIndex : array number -> character is located in "CHARACTER_ARRAY - " enter the facton array index of the faction the characters shall be displayed The 'parse' button will be enabled if the savegame file is loaded select the savegame file you want to parse click in menu 'file' the menu item 'open savegame' set movememt points for all characters' and armies' (units) of a faction for the present turn (Rome2 only) complete running (must run at least for one turn) research projects for a faction (Rome2 only) * strength- replenish or reduce armies (including garrisons) for a faction (Rome2 only) Empire (tables: character, faction, region) Napoleon (tables: character, faction, region) Shogun 2 (tables: character, faction, region) Rome 2 (tables: character, faction, region, province, army, diplomacy, unit)

empire total war save editor

Supported Total War games and selectable tables: Depends on the computer specification of course. If preforming actions (like set movement points and change unit strength) that modify many values, the saving of the savegame may last longer.rankings higher than 9, movement points in million's range or unit max size in thousands, I do not assume responsibility. There are some basic plausibility checks implemented in this tool, but if entered unreasonable values e.g.This tool works for all versions for all supported games. If Shogun2 is mentioned then the base game "Shogun 2" and extensions "Rise of the Samurai" and "Fall of the Samurai" are also meant. If Rome2 is mentioned then the base game "Rome 2" and extensions "Caesar in Gaul" and "Hannibal at the Gates" are also meant. It would be nice giving me reputation, if you think this tool is somehow useful. Meanwhile this tool has extended to a little editor. This tool displays various tables with array numbers and additional information that helps you to identify the wanted array. If you want to edit your Total War savegame file with EditSF, it's a kind of time intensive to find certain entries in their ARRAY container

Empire total war save editor